Sarasota Criminal Attorney Blog


Florida Court Explains Continuing Jurisdiction Over a Juvenile Criminal Case

The criminal justice system treats and prosecutes juvenile offenders differently than adults. Typically, a court that handles a juvenile matter retains jurisdiction over the case until the child reaches a certain age, but the duration of the jurisdiction varies depending on the offense for which the minor was convicted. A…


Florida Court Discusses Evidence in a Post-Conviction Hearing for Sex Crimes

Criminal defendants have a right to be represented by competent counsel, which means they have the right to an attorney who will explain the merits of any defenses, the strength of the prosecution’s case, and the potential penalties they face if convicted. If a defendant chooses to disregard the information…


Florida Court Discusses Waiver of Statute of Limitations Argument

Criminal matters typically involve an evaluation of what strategy is most likely to result in a successful outcome, whether it is asserting an affirmative defense, seeking a deal on a lesser charge, or some other plan. In some instances, if a criminal defendant chooses one plan of action, it may…

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