Juvenile defendants have constitutional rights that protect them from unfair prosecutions, including the right to due process and proper notice of the charges against them. When these rights are violated, it can lead to wrongful adjudications and unfair sentences. Fortunately, Florida provides recourse for juveniles who have been improperly convicted, as demonstrated in a recent Florida opinion in which they overturned a conviction due to procedural errors. If you or a loved one is facing delinquency charges, it is crucial to consult an experienced Sarasota juvenile crime defense attorney to protect your interests.
Facts and Procedure of the Case
It is alleged that the juvenile and another individual approached the victim in a public park, demanding the return of a bicycle they claimed belonged to them. Reportedly, both individuals were wearing ski masks and brandished knives as they advanced toward the victim. The victim allegedly responded with a defensive gesture, at which point the individuals fled the scene before being apprehended by law enforcement.
It is reported that the State charged the juvenile with attempted robbery with a firearm or deadly weapon. However, at trial, the court found that the State failed to prove the requisite intent for robbery, as evidence suggested that the juvenile believed he was reclaiming his own property. Allegedly, despite this failure, the trial court convicted the juvenile of aggravated assault, a lesser-included offense of the original charge.